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How to: fix a draught

When the winter chill arrives, your Oodie might not cut it, and you’ll reach for the heater switch.

But is your house keeping the heat in or is there a draught? A poorly insulated home can increase heating costs by 25 per cent.

1. Brrrrr. Where’s that draught coming from?

You can’t fix a draught until you know where it is. A lit candle can help. Close up your house, turn off air-moving appliances like fans and bar heaters, and run the candle along the joints of your doors, windows and anywhere else there might be gaps – be sure to keep it at a safe distance away from objects. If the flame flickers or goes out, you’ve discovered a draught.

Use a lit candle to see where draught are coming from. Image: Getty

2. Fix draughty windows

If you don’t want to install heavy, lined curtains with pelmets above them, there are simpler ways to fix window draughts. Reseal gaps in your windows – where the glass meets the frame – with a caulking gun and waterproof interior sealant in a clear or colour-matched finish. Another quick and inexpensive method is to attach self-adhesive weather seals around each frame to help block draughts.

Use a caulking gun to seal windows and block draughts. Image: Getty

3. Draughts love gappy doors

Like people, draughts often enter a home through the door. For external doors, attach a metal door sweep with a rubber guard to help seal your home against air and prevent water, dust and creepy crawlies from entering. Self-adhesive weather seals also work well around doors but make sure they’re the right width and depth or it could prevent your doors from closing properly. For internal doors, a door snake or rolled up towel can stop draughts coming in from unheated areas of your house.

Use a door snake to stop draughts from entering the heated areas of your house. Image: Getty

4. Are you insulated?

When was the last time you had your ceiling insulation checked? If it’s more than 20 years old and you’re noticing draughts from the roof, it might be time to replace it. If you’re a DIY-er, you’ll find plenty of insulation products at your local hardware store but make sure you take the proper safety precautions or call in the licensed experts to handle the job.

Check the insulation in your ceiling but wear the proper safety gear if you’re replacing it yourself. Image: Getty

5. Where else should I check?

Look for gaps in your floors and put rugs or carpets down to help insulate the room against cold air. Check old heaters and fireplaces and use a ventilation cover during winter to stop hot air escaping from vents and exhaust fans. Kitchen cupboards are often draughty and depending on the size of the gap, you can fill them with silicone sealant or expanding spray foam (check with your landlord first if you’re renting).

Put down rugs or carpets to help prevent floor draughts. Image: Getty

Need help removing those draughts?

Contact the experts at RAA Trade Assist today.

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