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5 experiences unique to Slovenia

Say arrivederci to Italy, adios to Spain and au revoir to France. Take the path less travelled and go somewhere for an experience like no other. First stop: Slovenia – right at the centre of Europe.  

1. See Slovenia from a different angle

Sightseeing by foot can take its toll on the calves, but those who are keen (and fit enough) to see Slovenia from a different perspective can do just that by setting off on a 400m running race. Sound like a strange way to explore? Perhaps, but you’re bound to get a spectacular view – the running event is considered one of the steepest in Europe, with competitors racing uphill at an altitude of 200m. Slovenia is just 1 of 3 European countries to host this unique sporting event. Ouch. We can feel the burn just by looking at that incline.

2. Visit the castle that rocks

Listed as the world’s largest cave castle in the Guinness World Records, Predjama Castle is one of Slovenia’s most dramatic medieval marvels. And rightly so. Built more than 800 years ago, Predjama is a 5-story masterpiece jutting out of a 123m-high cliff. The castle features 15 rooms including an armoury, dungeon and living quarters as well as secret tunnels. At certain times of the year, it’s not unusual to see visitors decked out in armoured costumes at one of the medieval tournaments often hosted at the castle.    

3. Drink wine produced from the oldest vine in the world

South Australia may produce some of the best drops in the world, but Slovenia’s wine culture is world-famous in its own right. According to the Guinness World Records, the oldest vine in the world continues to grow outside a building in Maribor, a wine region in the hills of Slovenia. Planted more than 400 years ago, the leafy vine still bears grapes to this day and is an important part of the country’s wine culture. So much so, there’s an annual festival to celebrate the vine’s grape harvest and there’s even an anthem dedicated to the plant. In fact, it’s not unusual to catch a glimpse of locals dancing and singing the anthem in front of the vine with a glass of vino in hand.

4. Witness Lake Bled 

Sounds ominous, however Lake Bled is anything but. Considered one of the most picturesque spots to visit in Slovenia, Lake Bled’s turquoise waters surround a mystical island which draws travellers year-round. A 6km-long trail around the lake offers the perfect view of the island in all its glory. It’s hard to miss the masonry church that stands in the middle. Visitors can reach the lone building by paddling out in a pletna boat: a large, wooden, gondola-like rowboat. Hungry after exploring? Get a much-needed sugar fix by devouring a famous Bled cream cake. They’re filled with cream and topped with more cream, along with crispy layers of butter dough and icing sugar. We don’t think 400m of uphill running could come close to burning off the calories, but a bite of the sugary treat will be worth it.    

5. Meet the Trumps… kind of

Here’s a Slovenian landmark you wouldn’t necessarily think to visit – an 8m-high Donald Trump statue. Created by artist Tomaz Schleg, the wooden statue of the US President was built in Slovenia because it’s the home country of Trump’s wife Melania. In July, the First Lady was also blessed with her own wooden statue. The fixture (pictured below) was carved out of a tree near Melania’s hometown of Sevnica in central Slovenia. The resemblance is uncanny, right? Well, we did promise the experiences on this list would be unique.