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4 weird ways people try to avoid fines

Leaves covering number plates on UK cars.
A couple of UK drivers have been busted trying to cover their cars’ number plates with foliage to avoid fines. Image: SurryRoadSafe

Recently there was a news story out of the UK where drivers have used leaves to partially cover their cars’ number plates in an attempt to avoid speeding fines.

It got the sa move team thinking about ways people have either tried to avoid speeding fines or explain their actions on the road. We’ve compiled a few of the weird and wacky ways people have tried (and failed) to dodge fines.

Of course, it goes without saying that you shouldn’t try any of these ideas on the road. Instead, take them as lessons to learn from.

1. The carpool lane Grinch

While we don’t have carpool lanes here in Adelaide, they’re commonplace overseas. Generally, at least two people need to be in the vehicle for a motorist to use the carpooling lane.

Usually this means a quicker commute because there are less cars on the road. In 2022, an Arizona driver tried to skirt the rule, by having an unusual friend in the passenger seat. The companion in question? A human-sized doll of the Dr Suess’ Grinch. That’s one way to get into the festive spirit.

2. A cheeky note

There are a few examples of people writing notes on their parked car begging the inspector to look the other way and not give them a fine.

A Liverpool man left a cheeky note (pictured) for an inspector in 2021. The driver, who had been laid off during the COVID-19 pandemic, was having trouble with the parking app and didn’t have any spare change.

In an effort to avoid a fine, he left a note on the dash saying, “Phone + pay app not working. Plz don’t give me ticket. I’m proper skint.”

His search for sympathy didn’t go down well and he later snapped a photo of a fine next to the note.

3. Speeding excuses

There are plenty of excuses motorists make when they’re caught speeding, from being late for work to overtaking.

This English motorist might take the (wedding) cake though. The Lamborghini Huracan Evo Spyder driver told the police who caught him speeding that it was his wedding day and would like to be let off.

The cops didn’t see the funny side and instead of throwing confetti they gave the would-be-groom a fine, six demerit points and impounded his uninsured car.

4. Number-plate nonsense

Hoon motorists were caught altering their number plates in an attempt to escape punishment. Image: RAA

There are countless ways people have altered or covered their number plates to avoid fines. As mentioned earlier, one scheming motorist decided to take advantage of the autumn leaves and stick a couple to his number plate. His attempt to make it look like the leaves had naturally stuck to the number plate was unsuccessful.

The Advertiser reported in 2015 that hoon motorists were using tape to alter their plates slightly. Sounds ‘crafty’ doesn’t it. Getting caught with a number plate that is altered, could result in a hefty fine. In fact, it could cost you $831 plus the $102 Victims of Crime Levy.

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