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COVID-19 travel insurance explained

Going on holiday and purchasing RAA Travel Insurance, but not sure if you’re covered for COVID-19? We answer some common questions.

Since COVID-19 hit our shores more than two years ago, travel has become unpredictable. However many of us are itching to spread our wings. That’s why it’s important for travel insurance to include COVID-19 cover.

To clear up any confusion, RAA Travel General Manager Gina Norman answers some frequently asked questions.

Is COVID-19 cover included in RAA Travel Insurance?

RAA Travel Insurance has introduced a special COVID-19 cover in its International Premium and Domestic policies. You’ll be covered for certain COVID-19-related issues, including if you contract the virus overseas.

What else does RAA Travel Insurance’s COVID-19 cover include?

While travelling can be a bit unnerving at the moment, RAA Travel Insurance’s COVID-19 cover will give you peace of mind.

Get sick with COVID-19 while overseas? You’re covered for overseas medical and hospital expenses. What if a medical practitioner diagnoses you with the virus before you start your holiday?

You may be able to claim non-refundable cancellation costs.

These policies will also help with expenses if a travel companion gets the virus or passes away because of COVID-19 and you need to return home.

We’ll also cover the cost of quarantining overseas if you’re a close contact.

Am I covered for COVID-19- related delays?

If you’re travelling to a pre-arranged event like a wedding, funeral or conference and your trip is delayed because of COVID-19, you’re covered for the cost of purchasing alternative transport to get you to your event on time.

We’ll also cover other expenses associated with travel delays. If your scheduled transport, like a flight or train journey, is delayed by at least six hours, RAA Travel Insurance will cover the cost of additional accommodation, meals and travel expenses.

Two people in face masks waiting at Adelaide Airport waiting to board a flight.
Be prepared with Travel Insurance before travelling. Image: Getty

Is there anything that’s not covered?

There are some restrictions to COVID-19 cover. You’re not covered if you’re in lockdown and unable to take a trip or the government bans travel to the country or part of Australia you’re travelling to before or during your trip.

If your trip includes a multi-night cruise and you catch COVID-19 while on your voyage, then you won’t be covered.

Mandatory quarantine or self-isolation requirements related to border restrictions will not be covered either. For example, if you travel to Queensland and border restrictions re-implemented while you’re on holiday, including mandatory hotel quarantine when you return to South Australia, RAA is unable to cover your expenses for the two-week isolation period.

Do you have a question?

Speak to an RAA Travel expert about COVID-19 insurance.

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