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13 handy items to keep in your car


1. Duct tape

Windscreen cracked or brake lights smashed? Keep a roll of duct tape in your glove box for temporary quick-fixes until you can get it looked at by a repairer.


2. Wind-up flashlight

Broken down on a dark road or need to check something under the bonnet? A wind-up flashlight recharges by you manually winding it up by the handle, so all you’ll need in order to keep this nifty torch shining are your muscles.


3. Reusable shopping bags

How often do you get to the supermarket and realise you forgot to bring plastic bags? Forking out a few cents to buy another one or two one might not sound like much, but do your bit for the environment by investing in a few tote bags which you can keep in the boot.


4. A piece of paper with details on what to do after a crash

It can be hard to remember all the important details you need to collect after you’ve been in a crash. Why not print off a copy of this info here and leave it in your glove box? Hopefully you never have to use it, but it’s good to know the info’s there.  

5. Umbrella

There’s nothing better than a cloud-free sky – until you pull up to your destination, put your car in park and Mother Nature decides to surprise you. That’s when an umbrella stored safely in the back can save the day – or at least your hair.


6. Car manual

Most people already keep this in their glove box but probably don’t realise how much useful info it contains. Want to know the recommended tyre pressure for your car? You’ll find the answer and more in your owner’s manual.


7. Phone charger

The amount of time we spend on our phones means they’re bound to go flat fast. Most cars now have USB ports for phone chargers, so plug one in to save you from having to find a place to charge your phone when you’re on the road – just remember not to use it while you’re driving!