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Why you need your air-con serviced before summer

A person switching on the air-con and checking that it's circulating cool air.

It was late October and suddenly there was a 37C day. I went to switch on the air-conditioner and was met with silence. There wasn’t any water filling the system and the unit wasn’t powering up. I flicked the switch off and on again – same result.

The air-con was broken, and I was filled with dread that my family was going to have to sweat through the season’s first heat wave. After a few failed attempts to book same-day air-con repairs, I realised I should’ve had the system serviced earlier.

Here are a few other reasons you should have your air-con serviced now, and not when the summer heat hits.

1. Damaging dust

If you don’t have your air-conditioner serviced and cleaned annually, it could slowly damage internal parts which may be expensive to replace.

Not only that, it may also impact the air quality in your home. If the air-conditioner is dirty, it could be pumping dust into your home, increasing pollen and other allergens.

This could impact your family’s health and increase hay fever symptoms during spring and summer.

2. Air-conditioner turned fire hazard

Has the wiring in your air-con deteriorated and become faulty? You probably can’t tell from looking at it. Part of an air-con service includes checking the wiring to ensure it’s still in tip-top condition.

If the wiring is faulty and you keep on using the system, it could potentially cause a fire.

3. Improve efficiency

Get your air-con serviced before the hot weather arrives and you might even save a few pennies. If you have your air-con maintained and checked before summer, it will ensure your unit is running efficiently. This can reduce your energy consumption and in turn your electricity bill.

Need your air-con serviced?

RAA Trade Assist can help.

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