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5 tips to help get you through the silly season

If there’s one word that perfectly sums up the ‘silly season’, it’s excess. Even Safety Santa can get a bit jolly when the Coopers Pale Ale comes out, but he always gets through Christmas safely. Here’s how you can too:

Always have a plan B (and C)

Luckily for Safety Santa, his reindeer do most of the steering. If you plan on drinking ANY alcohol at an event, make sure you have enough money to get home via public transport, taxi or Uber, or find your own reindeer in the form of a designated driver.


When the sun is shining, drinks are flowing and everyone’s having a good time, keeping hydrated isn’t always a priority. But it should be. Be aware the summer heat accelerates dehydration and pace yourself at functions by alternating each alcoholic drink with a glass of water.

Plan your route

Everyone knows traffic can be horrendous over the summer holidays. Hit the road early, make regular stops if you’re travelling long distances, and allow plenty of extra time to arrive at your destination, especially if you’re airport-bound.

Stay focused

Mobile distraction or other types of inattention are still a leading cause of crashes. Before you buckle up, put your phone somewhere out of reach so you’re not tempted to check it while driving, and stay alert and focused on the road. If your mates are getting too rowdy in the passenger seats, don’t be afraid to ask them to pipe down.

Take some time for yourself

They don’t call it the silly season for no reason – with so much happening around this time of year it can be overwhelming, especially if you’re planning a party or family function. For your own wellbeing set aside some time each day to chill out and relax.

Read a book, meditate, go for a walk or get bendy on a yoga mat.