12 most embarrassing driving mistakes


1. Setting your own car alarm off by mistake

I promise this is my car and I’m not trying to break into it! https://giphy.com/gifs/hulu-seinfeld-3o7TKM74HYjLo4dd2U


2. Accidentally honking someone

This one’s so awkward. And then you have to try to communicate your apology through the windscreen and you just end up looking even more panicked or angry.

3. Leaving your indicator on

Wondering why people in the next lane are giving you funny looks? They may be waiting for you to make a move if you’ve left your indicator on. https://giphy.com/gifs/gina-rodriguez-jtvedit-ginarodriguezedit-tMaiJ1C0yYdY4


4. Locking your keys in the car

It may be embarrassing, but you’re not alone. Over the years, our patrols have seen countless members lock themselves out of their own cars. In fact, RAA’s longest-serving Patrol, Chris Bennett, reckons he attended 30,000 of them during his 50-year career.

5. Messing up a parallel park while someone’s watching

No matter how good a parker you are, it’s basically a fact of life that you’ll mess it up if someone’s watching you. https://giphy.com/gifs/120pj6yKuyeI3C


6. Stalling

This one can happen to even the most experienced of drivers, but might make people wonder where you got your licence.

7. Trying to open your car door, then realising it’s not your car

Even more awkward if someone’s sitting in the driver’s seat. https://giphy.com/gifs/nope-homer-bye-2ALDsRipuShI8A3gXV  

8. Trying to indicate and turning on the windscreen wipers instead

The worst time this can happen is on a sunny day. Why can’t all cars just be set up the same way?

9. Forgetting where you parked

You thought you were paying such close attention to what level of the carpark you were on, yet you still have to do a quick peek out of the lift to suss if you’re in the right place. Awks. https://giphy.com/gifs/ashton-kutcher-i-had-to-dude-wheres-my-car-n935QrixoGI12


10. Driving away with something on your roof

Is it better to arrive at your destination with half a cup of coffee left on your roof, or none at all? Either way, you’ll now spend the rest of your day thinking of all the people who saw you driving like that.

11. Driving over a kerb when trying to park

Whooooopsie Daisy. https://giphy.com/gifs/marriedau-mafs-30pyLTxNQIyJ6du0xS


12. Not realising the light is green

Sometimes it feels like you’ve been waiting at a red light for daaaaaaays and – oh wait! It’s green, people are honking, and you’re holding everyone up. Eek. https://giphy.com/gifs/qJjtVeXOFya7C