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Where’s SA’s riskiest road?

Despite getting a $3.5 million upgrade, the notorious Blackwood roundabout has claimed the unwanted title as SA’s riskiest intersection in the 2019 RAA Risky Roads Survey.   The intersection, which received the second-most votes in 2017, took the top spot in the 2019 survey, with drivers concerned about the roundabout’s poor layout, confusing signage, line marking and inappropriate speed limit. Since the 2017 survey was released, the roundabout has been reconstructed, and line markings altered in attempt improve the intersection.   However, Risky Roads Survey respondents were still concerned about the operation of the roundabout. RAA’s 2019 Risky Roads Survey gave motorists and other road users the opportunity to nominate a road or intersection they believe needs repairs or major upgrades.   More than 1300 people completed the survey this year, with 921 drivers nominating roads and another 422 submitting concerns about intersections. The Horrocks Hwy was named the riskiest road in 2019 – another location that featured in the 2017 Risky Roads Survey.
Top 10 nominated intersections
    Survey participants highlighted the uneven road surface, potholes or cracks and crumbling road edges along the Horrocks Hwy. RAA Senior Manager Safety and infrastructure Charles Mountain said the Horrocks Hwy’s title as the riskiest road in SA highlighted the need for major upgrades along the highway.   “There were 107 casualty crashes resulting in 6 deaths and 156 injuries along the Horrocks Hwy between 2014 and 2018,” Mr Mountain said. “While the federal and state government have both committed to a combined $55 million towards repairs, the casualty crashes and survey results highlight the need for work to be undertaken as soon as possible.
Horrocks Highway funding

Horrocks Hwy was the most nominated road. Image: RAA

  “Some minor repairs have been made since the 2017 Risky Roads Survey, however improvements like surface repairs, shoulder sealing and additional overtaking lanes need to be completed.” Respondents in the 2019 survey were most concerned about road surface issues along the Horrocks Hwy, with 89% of people mentioning uneven or undulating surfaces. They also frequently raised issues about crumbling edges, potholes and a lack of overtaking opportunities.
Top 10 nominated roads

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