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RAA: more than just Road Service

RAA Road Service was around when horses were still trotting along King William Street.

Since then, our range of services and products has expanded to include insurance, travel, solar and battery, and much more.

But there’s a variety of money-saving benefits members may not be aware of.

Here are some services and savings included with your RAA membership.

Free headlight aim check

If you’re concerned your headlights are spotting treetop koalas rather than lighting the road ahead, book a free headlight aim check and adjustment with RAA’s Vehicle Inspection service.

To book a headlight check, call 8202 4688.

Free anti-theft number plate screws

Thieves steal number plates and attach them to other vehicles to commit petrol station drive-offs, break-ins and other crimes.

As well as the cost and inconvenience of replacing number plates, your car can’t be driven, or even parked in the street, until the new plates are ordered and fitted.

Anti-theft number plate screw
Anti-theft number plate screw.

In partnership with SA Police and Neighbourhood Watch, RAA offers a free service, which includes a set of anti-theft number plate screws and installation.

These screws can only be removed by an auto technician using a special tool.

Call RAA Car Advice on 8202 4689 for more information.

Car advice

If you need advice about buying a new or used car, vehicle service and maintenance, market value, consumer rights, technology and safety features, plus a range of other vehicle-related topics, RAA Car Advice experts can help.

Call Car Advice on 8202 4689 or find out more here.

Bicycle and mobility scooter road service

Whether you have Standard, Plus or Premium Road Service membership, you’re covered if your bicycle or mobility scooter breaks down.

If a puncture or mechanical trouble interrupts your bike ride, an RAA patrol will do their best to get you rolling again.

If the problem can’t be fixed roadside, we’ll organise a taxi to take you and your bike to a safe location or a repair shop (up to $55 benefit per year), as per the Road Service Personal Entitlements Guide.

If your mobility scooter breaks down, we’ll do our best to sort out the problem. If it can’t be repaired onsite, we’ll organise a taxi for you and your scooter as per the Road Service Personal Entitlements Guide.

Discounted tickets and offers

Just being a member can save you money.  From discounted zoo and movie tickets, to meal deals, coffee upgrades and Australia-wide discounted attractions, there are plenty of savings on offer.

Couple at movies
Membership can save you money at the flicks.

These deals are available to all Road Service and insurance* members, as well as RAA Travel customers who’ve booked a holiday valued at $500 or more.

*excluding travel insurance

Motoring road rules information

Confused by a tricky road rule and would like it clarified? Do you have a query about licences and registration? RAA’s road rule information service is here to help.

Call 8202 4570, email Motoring Road Rules or click here for more information.

Real-time fuel prices

With a tank of fuel now costing about as much as a Fabergé egg, it’s good to know where to find the cheapest petrol. RAA’s real-time fuel price guide shows the current price of fuel at servos throughout South Australia.

Download the app and carry up-to-date fuel price information with you.

Discover all the benefits of RAA membership

Check out RAA’s services and savings.

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