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Quiz: Would you pass the learner’s test?

Do you remember when you got your licence? When my dad was learning the ropes behind the wheel back in the late 1960s, he went for a drive with a police officer and was given his full licence.

When I was 16, I completed a short written test to get my learner’s permit. Now there are a few more hoops to jump through. Would you pass today’s learner’s test? Find out.

Aspiring drivers looking to get their learner’s permit must sit a written theory test, which is split into two sections: eight give way scenarios and 42 general road rule questions.

To pass, applicants must answer all eight give way questions correctly and then get at least 32 of the 42 questions right in the general knowledge section of the test.

To help learner drivers brush up on the road rules, RAA offers an online practice quiz for people to test their knowledge.

This is also a great way for experienced drivers and people from overseas to check their road rules knowledge is up to date.

We’ve pulled the stats and found some learner’s test questions that commonly trip up people. Test yourself with these real-life examples to see if you’d pass the learner’s test.

QUIZ: Would you pass the learner’s test?

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