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Don’t be a Christmas car park grinch

RAA data shows claims for car park prangs have increased by 18% so far this year, compared to the same period in 2018.

A separate RAA poll has found 9 in 10 drivers believe motorists are less courteous in car parks around Christmas time.

Shockingly, half of the drivers polled had seen or been a victim of car park rage.

This has prompted RAA Insurance Claims Manager Hayley Cain to urge motorists to be patient and considerate in car parks this Christmas.

“Motorists have to cope with a lot more traffic and competition for car parks at this time of year, which increases the chance of having a crash,” Ms Cain said.

“We urge drivers to take extra time to park safely, even if it means walking a longer distance to shops.”

To reduce the chance of your vehicle being hit, be picky about where you park. Avoid skinny parks, large pillars or walls that block visibility, and parks with vehicles in adjoining spaces.

If you do have a car park bingle, here are a few things you need to do:

  • Exchange contact and insurer details with the other party.
  • Record the contact details of any independent witnesses.
  • Take photos of the damage and position of both vehicles.

Claims on the rise

Over the past year, car park crash claims have increased by:

  • Ask to view any car park security footage available if you think there might be conflicting versions of the crash.
  • Call your insurer straight away.
  • Report a crash to police if damage exceeds $3000. You’re legally obligated to do this. If you’re unsure of the damage cost, check with your insurer.

If you want more tips on how to survive chaotic car parks this Christmas, check out our responses to 3 quirky parking questions.


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