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Drivers making the switch to electric

We could see an influx in electric vehicles on South Australian roads, with more drivers considering a switch from traditional fossil-fuelled cars.

According to a recent samotor poll, almost eight in 10 motorists are thinking about purchasing an electric vehicle (EV) in the future. That’s despite only a quarter of survey respondents saying they’d driven an EV previously.

RAA spokeswoman Kerry Bowles said the results weren’t unexpected.

“These vehicles are at the forefront of discussions being had around reducing greenhouse emissions, so it’s no surprise drivers are weighing them up,” Ms Bowles said.

“Governments around the world are also setting deadlines for the sale of new fossil fuelled vehicles in coming years.

With more EV models being produced it’s no wonder drivers are considering their buying options going forward.

EV sales are on the rise in Australia with more than 6000 sold in the first half of this year. Closer to home, RAA is leading the way, adding EVs to our fleet, establishing an EV Working Group and investing in charging outlets across the state.

Ms Bowles said RAA is also pioneering the launch of a range of EV fast-charging outlets for households as part of our solar and battery services.

“Home chargers can be almost 10 times more powerful for energising EVs than regular wall outlets,” Ms Bowles said.

“By having a Home EV charger and being plugged in each evening, you’ll be ready to go with a full charge in the morning.

“This helps overcome range anxiety – a key factor discouraging many motorists from switching to EVs.”

Electric Vehicle Innovation
Stone & Chalk General Manger for Adelaide, Chris Kirk (pictured above at far left with SA Premier Steven Marshall and RAA President Peter Siebels), said the new partnership with RAA could help shape the future of mobility and energy delivery across the country. Image: RAA

In a further show of support for clean technology, RAA has teamed up with innovation leader Stone & Chalk – operator of the Start Up Hub at Lot Fourteen.

Stone & Chalk General Manger for Adelaide, Chris Kirk (pictured above with SA Premier Steven Marshall and RAA President Peter Siebels), said the new partnership with RAA could help shape the future of mobility and energy delivery across the country.

“RAA will be working hand-in-hand with South Australian innovators at Lot Fourteen to tackle some of the world’s most pressing challenges,” Mr Kirk said.

“The opportunity to drive electric vehicle adoption and reimagine what mobility looks like in the future is just one area where we see significant potential.”