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Ruler of the road answers

You’ve experienced our hardest-ever road rules quiz. Now it’s time to find out how many questions you answered correctly and if you can claim the throne as ruler of the road.  

1. C

Contrary to popular belief, a stop sign isn’t more powerful than a give way sign. The signs therefore cancel each other out and the blue car needs to give way to the green car as it’s turning right, and must give way to oncoming traffic.  

2. Yes

It’s an offence for pedestrians to walk without due care or attention, or without reasonable consideration for other people using the road. You can be summonsed to court and receive a maximum fine of $2500.  

3. C

In this scenario the green car is turning left using a slip lane and must give way to the blue car that’s turning right onto the same road. The green car must also give way to any pedestrian or bicycle entering the slip lane. This means the pedestrians and blue car can go at the same time followed by the green vehicle.  

4. E

Motorists need to keep left on a multi-lane road when there’s a keep left unless overtaking sign or the speed limit is more than 80km/h. Driving in the right lane of a multi-lane road can result in a $258 fine, $60 Victims of Crime Levy and two demerit points.  

5. C

Both cars need to indicate for a sufficient amount of time before changing lanes to ensure other road users are aware of their intended actions, and are aware of any other vehicles entering into the same lane. After that, courtesy takes over.  

6. C

It’s a common misconception that the default speed limit on South Australian country roads is 110km/h. Unless a road sign indicates otherwise, the speed limit outside of built-up areas in SA is 100km/h. In built-up areas the default speed limit is 50km/h.  

7. A

The give way sign at the modified T-intersection means the red car is travelling on the continuing road, which curves to the right. The yellow car is facing a give way sign and must give way to all other traffic. Therefore, the red vehicle goes first. The blue car is next as it’s effectively turning right off the continuing road, and the yellow goes last.      

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